Lady Shares How Her 9 Year Old Adopted Sister Attempted To Poison Her Parents To D€ath

A Twitter user has taken to social media to Shares shocking story of how her adopted sister tried to kill her parents by poisoning. 

The lady identified by her Twitter handle as @_marvie__ revealed that her adopted sister who would be clocking 10 this year, 2022, poisoned her guardians in an attempt to get back at them.

According to the Twitter user, the young lad didn't like the fact that her guardians were constantly insisting she apologises whenever she does something wrong.

Fortunately, her father sensed the foreign substance in the drink and upon questioning, the little girl admitted to having poisoned their beverages.

In her words;

“I just want to thank God that the child my parents adopted didn’t turn me and my siblings to orphans.

She poured one of those sniper like chemicals into their beverages because they said she should be apologising when she’s wrong.

After my dad took like 2 spoons he noticed it had a smell, with intuition he suspected what had happened. 

He asked her the next day and she admitted it. She was home alone all day.

This is a child that myself and my sister will take it upon ourselves to fight for her when we think our parents are being too hard on her.

So many times my mother especially will fight me because I’m interfering.

The heart of a man is desperately wicked yes including children.

They’ve taken her back, She’s turning 10 this year.”

See tweet below:

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